Panel presses Mpls. on fighting ash borer

Members of the Minneapolis Tree Advisory Commission say the city needs to accelerate its efforts to combat the emerald ash borer.

The commission will present its recommendations to members of the Minneapolis City Council this week.

According to a commission report, the city removed nearly 900 unhealthy ash trees last year. But the panel will recommend that the city take out and replace 5,000 ash trees this year to prevent the widespread infestation of the bug.

The larvae of the iridescent green beetle bore into ash trees, cutting off the tree's food supply. City foresters, who say they fear the bugs could wipe out about 200,000 ash trees in the city, report that the borer has infested trees in the Fort Snelling Golf Course, Northeast Minneapolis and Lakewood Cemetery.

The commission will also update the council on efforts to replace downed trees with a diverse mix of species.