Flyover from MPR News

S1E3: The politics of white resentment

Flyover from MPR News
Flyover from MPR News
MPR News

In conversations about things like affirmative action, immigration reform or the very phrase "Black Lives Matter," it's easy for white Americans to start to feel like they're losing something when someone else gains.

Recent polls show that during the Obama years, whites perceived anti-white discrimination to be on the rise in the U.S., which plays into the notion that racism is a zero-sum game that one side must be losing if another side is gaining.

This week on Flyover, we try to understand how white resentment continues to shape our politics and our communities.

This week's guests:

Jason Rosenbaum — Political reporter for St. Louis Public Radio

Carol Anderson — Chair of African American studies at Emory University and the author of "White Rage"

Victor Chen — Assistant professor of sociology at Virginia Commonwealth University and author of "Cut Loose: Joblessness and Hopelessness in an Unfair Economy"