Flyover from MPR News

S1E10: How do military veterans fit into American identity?

Flyover from MPR News
Flyover from MPR News
MPR News

Support for our troops is a common refrain during campaign season and after a national crisis. But how often do Americans think about vets on the days in between?

During World War II, almost 10 percent of Americans were on active military duty, and many many others were involved in the war effort.

Contrast that with today's continuous war, which has lasted since the U.S. invaded Afghanistan in October 2001: less than 1 percent of Americans have served in those conflicts.

The average American is simply disconnected, knowing very little about the veterans' experience.

With fewer Americans serving in the armed forces, is there a growing disconnect between veterans and the civilians they serve?

This week on Flyover, as we reflect on Veteran's Day weekend, we're talking about where veterans fit into America's national identity.

This week's guests

Jay Price — Reporter covering the military for WUNC and the American Homefront Project.

Melissa Bryant — A former Army captain and Iraq veteran who's currently the director of political and intergovernmental affairs for Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America.