The Price of Security

Ted Koppel
Ted Koppel's town meeting is part of a series he's doing for the Discovery Channel.
Photo by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images

Part One (8:00-8:30pm CT)

NPR's Neal Conan, host of "Talk of the Nation," interviews Ted Koppel about "The Price of Security," a television documentary produced for Discovery Channel. The interview lasts approximately 25 minutes and will feature extended excerpts from the documentary. Clips from the documentary will be posted at

Part Two (8:30-10:00pm CT)

Ted Koppel hosts a town meeting on life after September 11.

Participants in the town meeting include former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge; U.S. Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty; Ret. General Tony Zinni, former chief, CENTCOM; Congressman Chris Shays of Connecticut, chairman of House subcommittee on National Security; former New Jersey Gov. Tom Kean, chair of the 9-11 Commission, former Congressman Lee Hamilton, vice-chair of the 9-11 Commission; Jamie Gorelick, former Deputy Attorney General and member of the 9/11 Commission; and former Solicitor General Ted Olsen. More than a dozen privacy and civil liberties experts also will participate, as well as six people whose family members were 9-11 victims.