Mother detained in raid reunited with son

Catalina Rodriguez Perez
Catalina Rodriguez Perez is reunited with her son, Hamilton, in the Prairie Justice Center in Worthington, right after she was released.
MPR Photo/Mark Steil

(AP) The 25-year-old mother of a 13-month-old child was released from jail today after she was one those arrested in a raid on illegal immigrants at a Worthington meatpacking plant.

One of the 230 immigrant workers arrested at Swift and Company last week, the woman's case earned notice after her babysitter revealed that she was unable to locate the woman for several days even as she cared for her young son.

Catalina Rodriguez Perez and her son, Hamilton.
MPR Photo/Mark Steil

The woman's son, named Hamilton, is a U.S. citizen. The babysitter finally located the woman yesterday at a local jail and was able to arrange a reunion between mother and son.

About 50 people including the babysitter held a candlelight vigil last night outside the jail organized by the packing plant's union.