Opponents to outdoors amendment boost campaign

The question
The actual wording of the outdoors/arts referendum question that will be on the ballot in November.
MPR Photo/Tom Weber

Opponents of a sales tax increase for the outdoors and the arts say they're stepping up their campaign against the 3/8 percent tax.

Opponents unveiled a new television ad at the Capitol today, which they plan to run on cable TV. They say the causes are worthy, but that sales taxes and constitutional amendments aren't appropriate ways to fund them.

Taxpayers League president Phil Krinkie has other objections.

"It may only be what the proponents say is $5 a household per month. I guarantee you it's not going to remain at that amount. Because when the state Legislature broadens the sales tax to services and to clothing, this is going to be tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions of dollars more that are going to be flowing into these dedicated accounts," Krinkie said.

The ads, featuring former U.S. Senator Rod Grams, will run through election day. Supporters have also been running ads.