More mining layoffs hit Iron Range

United Taconite
Hibbing Taconite will now produce about one-third of the facility's annual capacity.
MPR Photo/Bob Kelleher

Two more Iron Range mines are facing layoffs. Hibbing Taconite is cutting production, and planning a lengthy shut down, while Northshore Mining will shut down production for a month.

At Hibbing Taconite, the state's second largest taconite producer, the company has announced a second production cut this year. Hibbing Taconite will now produce about one-third of the facility's annual capacity.

Eighty-three employees will receive layoff notices for the end of April. After layoffs last month, the plant employed fewer than 600 workers, down from more than 700 a year ago. In addition, the entire facility will close for 15 weeks from May through the summer.

A third of the plant's production capability will be back on line in September. Meanwhile, Cliff Natural Resources Northshore Mine in Babbit and Silver Bay will idle production during April, resuming at reduced capacity in May. Northshore employs 557 workers.