Franken preps with legal scholars for Sotomayor hearings

Sen. Al Franken met Saturday with legal scholars in advance of next week's hearings on the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Judge Sonia Sotomayor.

The legal roundtable included lawyers from a wide range of specialties, including public interest and corporate law, and law professors from the University of Minnesota.

Both Franken and Sen. Amy Klobuchar sit on the Senate Judiciary committee, which will conduct the confirmation hearings.

Franken said he's got some questions in mind.

"I have some areas where I think I know where I'm going to go, and I think I want to talk about judicial activism and separation of powers, but I also want to deal with net neutrality," he said.

Franken says he is predisposed to vote for Sotomayor's confirmation but is reserving judgment until he can hear her answers in the hearings.

Franken says he is trying to learn as much as he can before the hearings start.

"The best thing I can do is represent those people out there who are watching and listening who, like me, are not attorneys but who understand the importance of the court and of the Constitution," he said.

Franken held a victory party Saturday in St Paul to celebrate his first week in office.