Coalition pushes for immigration reform

A coalition of faith, community and union groups held a march Sunday in Minneapolis to call for comprehensive immigration reform.

Marchers collected signatures for a petition to send to President Obama seeking an overhaul of the nation's immigration system. Organizers say the current system results in thousands of immigrant workers losing their jobs.

Veronica Mendez, an organizer with Workers Interfaith Network, says the Obama administration needs to stop workplace raids and other actions until the immigration system is addressed on a national level.

"Immigration can't just take a backseat and right now it's taking a backseat," she said. "It's something that has to happen now especially as all of these new enforcement mechanisms are being put out there and companies are being forced into them. It just can't be ignored."

The Obama administration has signaled it intends to enforce the country's immigration laws not by workplace sweeps, but rather by auditing I-9 employment forms in workplaces across the U.S.