Twitter posts become issue in MN state Senate race

The chair of the state DFL Party says he wants more information about past comments made by the Republican candidate in a Minnesota Senate District Race.

Republican Mike Parry apologized Wednesday for comments he wrote on the social networking site Twitter. In May, he wrote that President Obama is a "Power Hungry Arrogant Black Man." In another posting, he linked Democrats to pedophilia.

The comments were later deleted. DFL Party Chair Brian Melendez called Parry's apology vague and says he wants to know who wrote the comments and who deleted them.

"He admitted that he made the one about President Obama and he apologized for that," Melendez said. "Ok, fine. But what about the one linking Democrats to pedophiles? Why were 33 tweets scrubbed? Is he referring to all 33 of them and does he now admit that they are all his?

"If he does, then that apology means something but the way the apology is written, it's vague and ambiguous and you can't tell what he's talking about."

Parry is running to replace Republican Dick Day who is leaving the Senate to become a lobbyist. The DFL candidate is Jason Engbrecht and Roy Srp is the Independence Party candidate. The special election will be held on January 26.