Bachmann leads rally against health care reform

Rep. Michele Bachmann
Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., gestures to a crowd gathered on the lawn of the State Capitol on Saturday, March 13, 2010.
MPR Photo/Nathaniel Minor

Thousands of people rallied Saturday at the Minnesota State Capitol against health care reform.

The rally was sponsored by Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., and included activists from Minnesota Majority, a conservative group. A handful of other politicians spoke at the rally, including Rep. John Kline.

Bachmann criticized congressional Democrats and President Barack Obama for trying to pass what she called "a government takeover" of health care.

"If they get it, trillions of dollars is what it is going to cost," she said. "If they get away with this, they will be able to get away with anything."

Mary Lou Anderson, a grandmother from Shoreview, says she came to the rally to protest attempts to pass health care legislation.

"We don't need whatever this one is that Pelosi and them are hiding from us," she said. "Kill the bill!"

Congressional Democrats are working on a final version of a health care overhaul bill and are pushing for House votes as early as this week.

The bill would provide health coverage for 31 million uninsured Americans and prohibit insurance companies from denying coverage for people with pre-existing conditions.