I-35W bridge memorial may have alternative location


Sunday marks three years since 13 people were killed in the collapse of the I-35W bridge.

A memorial to the victims has long been planned for nearby Gold Medal Park. But a spokesman for Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak said other locations are now being considered.

John Stiles said it's difficult to make plans for Gold Medal Park since it's been leased out until 2017. The park is jointly owned by the city and the Guthrie Theater.

"Given the current lease, structure on the site, we do not know right now if a memorial that might be placed there will be able to remain in perpetuity," Stiles said. "Mayor Rybak is working with others in looking at some other possibilities for sitting the memorial where we can be certain it will be able to remain permanently."

Stiles won't say what alternative locations are being considered. He says victims' families and survivors will be involved in "every step" of the process of choosing another site.