MinnEcon Blog

Job growth better in Minnesota than Wisconsin?

We've been hearing a lot lately about how great Wisconsin is compared to Minnesota when it comes to job growth and employment. Hanging those Open for Business signs at the border was a clever bit of showmanship.

And there's no doubt that Minnesota lawmakers passed the "angel tax credit" last year in part because they worried about companies and jobs slipping across the St. Croix.

But for all the talk about Wisconsin taking Minnesota jobs, the facts show Minnesota's done better than the Badger State in keeping people employed and adding jobs in the recovery.

Charts from a new Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis report bear that out.

The charts show job creation and unemployment rates for states in the Minneapolis Fed district (click on the charts for a larger view)

Minnesota has its problems, no doubt. Job growth went off a cliff in December and the continuing decline in Minnesota's labor force is worrisome.

But the bottom line is that despite the rhetoric about taxes and taking away jobs, Minnesota's beat out Wisconsin with higher job growth and lower unemployment since the recovery officially began.

Take a look at the Fed data and tell us what you see. Post something below or contact us directly at MinnEcon.


Would you still be clapping if you saw those charts?

Jed Carlson/jcarlson@superiortelegram.com via Duluth News Tribune.