Golden Valley permit decision causes controversy

Mental health advocates say the Golden Valley City Council discriminated against children with mental health problems when it voted Wednesday to deny a building permit for a day treatment center.

The City has since granted a 60-day extension to the proposal by LifeSpan of Minnesota.

In a statement on the city's website, Golden Valley Mayor Shep Harris said the City will use the time to address residents concerns and educate the community about mental illnesses.

Sue Abderholden is executive director of NAMI Minnesota. She said her organization will work with the City.

"But let me state firmly that these elected officials gave in to fear, reinforced misinformation and failed to stand up or speak out for children with mental illnesses," she said.

Department of Human Services Commissioner Lucinda Jesson also spoke in favor of the LifeSpan proposal saying the state needs more mental health services for children.