MnSCU criticized for lack of contract information

Minnesota State Colleges and Universities is drawing criticism for failing to be more transparent about a $2 million consultant contract to help overhaul operations.

The contract with McKinsey & Co., comes as a surprise to students, faculty and legislators involved in the system's initiative to improve collaboration and spur innovation at its 31 campuses.

The St. Paul Pioneer Press says MnSCU Chancellor Steven Rosenstone didn't bring up the consultant contract when he updated the board of trustees about the initiative or when student leaders asked about its costs.

Board approval for vendor contract is required only for expenditures of $3 million or more.

The head of the House higher education committee, Rep. Gene Pelowski, and his Senate counterpart, Sen. Terri Bonoff, said they will push for changes to increase transparency and board oversight at MnSCU.