The state of multi-generational living

Multigenerational family
Multi-generational living was once commonplace in American culture. Today it's making a comeback -- thanks to the economic recession.
MPR Photo/Nikki Tundel

The shape of the family has been changing for a long time, but the Pew Research Center is detecting another trend: Adults in their 20s and 30s living with their parents or grandparents.

By 2012, almost one in four young adults lived in multi-generational homes, up from 18.7 percent in 2007 and 11 percent in 1980.

Overall, 57 million Americans are living in multi-generational households.

From The Washington Post:

Richard Fry, an economist who co-authored the Pew report, points to several factors. The nation has experienced a wave of recent immigrants who are more likely than native-born Americans to live in multi-generational homes. According to the report, 10 percent of households headed by someone born in this country are multigenerational, compared with 16 percent of foreign-born households.

There have been behavioral changes, too. Young adults are marrying later -- 29 for men and 27 for women, according to the census, four to five years older than was typical in 1980. Married couples are more likely than single people to live on their own.

On The Daily Circuit, we discuss the current state of multi-generational living.

If you're between the ages of 23 and 35, are you living in a household with your parents or some other relative? Did you move back in? How's that working for you?