911 caller: Man killed by police sent death threats for hours

The site of an officer-involved shooting
A vehicle is photographed at the site of the shooting of Marcus Golden, Jan. 14, 2015.
Jeffrey Thompson | MPR News file

A 24-year-old man shot by St. Paul police outside a University Avenue apartment building in January had reportedly sent death threats to a man for hours, according to a 911 transcript.

According to previously released police reports, Marcus Golden had a history of terrorizing his ex-girlfriend and her family. The 911 caller, whose name was redacted, said Golden had recently begun threatening him as well.

"It's my ex-girlfriend's ex-boyfriend or something," the caller said. "I don't know how the [expletive] he got my information, and what's going on. But this dude is straight up stalking me."

In the 2:14 a.m. call on Jan. 14, the man said he had never spoken to Golden before that evening and repeatedly warned Golden he would call the police.

The caller also warned the operator that Golden was armed and had used the weapon to threaten his ex-girlfriend in the past.

"He's been chasing her all over and pointing guns at her," the caller said.

Police say Golden tried to run over Officers Dan Peck and Jeremy Doverspike when they responded to the call, and the officers opened fire. Neither was injured.

Mike Elton, whose daughter Emily dated Golden last summer, said Golden smashed the windows of his St. Paul apartment on multiple separate occasions throughout the month of November. Police put the cost of damage at $1,110.

Emily Elton told police she didn't want to pursue charges and she felt responsible for the damage. In December, the Ramsey County Attorney's Office declined to file charges against Golden, citing insufficient evidence.

Golden's family has called for an independent federal investigation into his death.

Below is the transcript of the 911 call. It contains language that might be offensive to some readers.