St. Kate's project puts spotlight on student homelessness

Louise Edwards-Simpson, Luci Russell
Louise Edwards-Simpson (left), the director of the St. Catherine University Voices of Homelessness Oral History Project, and Luci Russell, a research collaborator on the project.
Courtesy Rebecca Zenefski of Rebecca Studios

If you stepped into a college classroom today, would you be able to pick out which students in that room are homeless?

Louise Edwards-Simpson isn't sure she could and she teaches a course at St. Catherine University in St. Paul called "Homelessness in the Twin Cities."

Edwards-Simpson oversees "Voices of Homelessness Oral History Project" to collect oral histories of students at St. Kate's that have experienced homelessness or what's also called insecure housing.

The first 12 stories are part of an archive library that will go live online Wednesday. MPR News' Tom Weber talked to Edwards-Simpson and another guest about the project.