Minne sculpture removed from Lake Calhoun over climbing

The Minneapolis Parks Foundation is pulling Minne the Lake Creature out of Lake Calhoun Wednesday.

Officials intended to leave the dinosaur-like sculpture at her post until September; however, as many as three people at a time were seen climbing on Minne.

"Lake Calhoun embraced Minne the Lake Creature like no other lake — a bit too literally, at times," said Tom Evers, executive director of the foundation, in a statement. "We want people to engage with Minne from a safe distance because it's a sculpture, not a climbing structure. It's better for both Minne and Minneapolitans."

The Parks Foundation offered a full explanation of its decision in a blog post.

Here's a sample of some of the climbing activity Minne endured in recent days.

The #LakeCalhoun #monster is patient but will kick your rear if you disrespect her. #minnstagramers #capturemn #onlyinmn #Minnie

A photo posted by Jeremy Hernandez (@herna220) on Jul 19, 2015 at 10:35pm PDT