Legal tab in auditor's fight over audit law grows past $100K

State Auditor Rebecca Otto
State Auditor Rebecca Otto talks to reporters in June.
Tom Scheck | MPR News

Updated: 5 p.m. | Posted: 3:47 p.m.

The state auditor has run up a $100,000 legal tab as she considers suing to overturn a new audit privatization law.

Minnesota lawmakers passed a measure this spring allowing counties to outsource financial audits to private companies. State Auditor Rebecca Otto has been a fierce critic of the law since it was passed this spring, calling it an unconstitutional intrusion into her office's duties.

Otto released invoices Tuesday showing her office had paid Minneapolis law firm Fredrikson and Byron more than $106,000 from June through September.

It's unclear whether Otto plans to sue. The auditor says litigation is still an option.

Republican lawmakers have criticized Otto for fighting the law. They say the new measure helps counties save money.

GOP Rep. Sarah Anderson calls Otto's legal bill "an affront to Minnesota taxpayers."