Can a Trump and Clinton supporter share the same bed?

Politically mixed marriages are a rarity, according to a Stanford University study that shows only nine percent of couples choose to marry across the political aisle.

These relationships can be tricky but fruitful, according to Dr. Jeanne Safer. Safer is a psychotherapist and the author of "The Golden Condom and Other Essays on Love Lost and Found," which was published this month.

She wrote an essay in her new book about how her and her husband's political differences. She told MPR News host Kerri Miller that she knew many people who agreed with her politically, but she wouldn't want to be married to them.

"It's character that makes the difference, not politics."

Research professor Scott Stanley also joined the conversation. He is the co-director of the Center for Marital and Family Studies at the University of Denver.

He emphasized that couples who disagree politically aren't doomed. They need to find a way to discuss their differences in a safe and productive way.

"You can see someone who is different as somebody to to be persuaded, accepted or beaten ... When you're at home with your family, that's not an attitude you can bring into those discussions," Stanley said.

For people who are still looking for a life partner, Stanley recommends figuring out what the non-negotiable issues are and making sure that you find someone who agrees with you in those areas. However, you don't necessarily need to find someone exactly like you.

"That's a real error in thinking, because you're never going to find that person. You have to be conscious of those things you have to have," said Stanley.

Safer agreed that choosing to date someone based solely on politics isn't worth it. "It's the same as trying to figure things out by your astrological sign."