Listen: Somali-Americans criticize media coverage of St. Cloud attack

Unity rally at St. Cloud State University
People marched during a unity rally at St. Cloud State University campus on Tuesday. The rally was organized to
Renee Jones Schneider | Star Tribune via AP

FBI investigators continue to piece together details of Saturday's stabbing at Crossroads Center Mall in St. Cloud, in which 20-year-old Dahir Adan injured 10 people before being killed by an off-duty police officer. The attack made not just national, but international, news.

Ramla Bile, a Somali-American who lives in the Twin Cities, wrote about all that attention on her Facebook page:

"Without minimizing the events that occurred, I will say this: this story is only receiving immense national and intentional attention because the sensationalization of the Muslim boogieman trumps the need for proportional, nuanced coverage. As long as we focus on demonizing marginalized communities, we only resolve to do just that and will continue to ignore the reality of violence in this country. Thinking of all the victims of this incident and any subsequent backlash."

Bile came by the studio — along with her friend and community activist Kafia Ahmed— to talk with Tom Weber.

To hear the entire discussion, use the audio player above.