Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison states his case for DNC chair

Rep. Keith Ellison revives the crowd.
Rep. Keith Ellison revives the crowd after initial red state gains at the DFL Election Party 2016 at the Hilton Hotel in Minneapolis on Nov. 8, 2016.
Courtney Perry for MPR News

Democrats won't vote until February on the next leader of their party, but the race for chair of the Democratic National Committee is already well-underway.

And while the party hopes their next leader can unify the party after widespread defeats, this race seems to underscore the divides that splintered their party leading up to the election.

Minnesota's Fifth District U.S. Representative Keith Ellison is a favorite for the job among the leftists. Progressive heavy-weight Bernie Sanders endorsed him before he even formally announced his run, and Elizabeth Warren's endorsement came shortly after.

But he's also faced push-back from some in his party, including White House insiders. MPR's Cathy Wurzer spoke this morning with Rep. Ellison on his intention to run for head of the Democratic National Committee.