Chanhassen High principal arrested on child porn suspicion

Timothy Scott Dorway
Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension agents on Tuesday took Timothy Scott Dorway into custody on suspicion of possessing pornography involving minors. The BCA says charges are pending.
Courtesy of the BCA

Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension agents on Tuesday arrested Chanhassen High School Principal Timothy Scott Dorway on suspicion of possessing child pornography. The BCA says charges are pending.

Dorway, 44, was arrested at his home in Victoria and booked into the Carver County jail. The BCA said the arrest came after executing search warrants at Dorway's home and at Chanhassen High School, adding the investigation is active and ongoing.

Dorway has not been formally charged. MPR News typically does not name suspects before they're charged but decided to name Dorway because of his position as a school principal.

Jim Bauck, superintendent of the Eastern Carver County Schools, said in a statement to parents that law enforcement authorities have made it clear the allegations do not involve district students.

Dorway is on administrative leave and the district is conducting a separate investigation, Bauck said in a statement, adding that the news was "a shock to the school and to our district."

Dorway began his education career in 1995 as an English, journalism and speech teacher at Park High School in Cottage Grove, according to the biography posted on the Chanhassen High website. He's also served as an assistant high school principal in Owatonna, Minn.

He was principal at Rochester Mayo High School in Rochester, Minn., from 2007 until 2010, when he left to take the Chanhassen job.

Bauck said Chanhassen students have been asked not to share anything on social media about the case and noted that the school and Dorway's family have nothing to do with the allegations.