Photos: A look back at a summer at group home for disabled adults

Caregiver Francis Ebuchu holds the phone for Jimmy Mossow
Direct support professional Francis Ebuchu holds the phone for Jimmy Mossow so he can schedule his own haircut appointment on June 12, 2017.
Evan Frost | MPR News

MPR journalist Evan Frost spent a few months visiting the Diane Road Group Home in Mendota Heights for people with severe disabilities, and told the story of the struggles and joys of the caregivers there.

Changes to the Medicaid program are up for debate as Congress decides whether to cut funding as part of an attempt to repeal Obamacare. The company that operates Diane Road gets 95 percent of its funding from Medicaid.

Tom Weber talked with Frost to get a sense of life at Diane Road, where only the managers pay attention to the political debates, and caregivers get on with the task of helping people with disabilities live as independently as possible.