What's your favorite lake in Minnesota?

A boat passes through a channel in Voyageurs.
A lone motorboat cruises through island channels in Voyageurs National Park.
Evan Frost | MPR News 2016

There are more than 10,000 lakes in Minnesota, but is there one that you have a special relationship with?

Nominations are now closed, and voting will begin soon for favorite lakes. MPR News will profile the most popular eight as determined by your vote and those of other audience members.

Everyone has a listening point somewhere. It does not have to be in the north or close to the wilderness, but someplace of quiet where the universe can be contemplated with awe.

In the meantime, we want to hear from you about what makes your favorite lake special.

Over the month of April — which we are calling Water Month — we will, with your help, narrow the list to four, then two, and then one winner.

Nominations ran until April 4. Voting will begin April 5 in the afternoon.

We will host a performance along the shore of that very loved lake with our friends at TheWaterMain.org.