Politics Friday: Third party candidates and Kavanaugh hearings

Josh Welter and Chris Wright
Libertarian candidate for governor Josh Welter (left) and Chris Wright with the Grassroots-Legalize Cannabis party spoke with MPR News politics editor Mike Mulcahy.
Julie Siple | MPR News

First up: We've heard a lot from the two leading candidates for governor, Congressman Tim Walz and Hennepin County Commissioner Jeff Johnson. Today, we heard from the two other people you'll see on your ballot running for governor this November: Libertarian candidate Josh Welter, and Chris Wright with the Grassroots-Legalize Cannabis party.

Then: The Senate judiciary committee is wrapping up its hearings on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court today in Washington by hearing from witnesses for and against him. 53-year-old Kavanaugh is President Trump's pick to fill the spot left vacant by Anthony Kennedy, who retired this summer. Democrats and Republicans are divided on Kavanaugh, and Democrats on the committee spent much of the week trying to slow down the confirmation process. We spoke with a Minnesota expert on the Supreme Court, Timothy Johnson from the University of Minnesota.

And finally: MPR political reporters Brian Bakst and Briana Bierschbach joined the program to look back at the rest of the week's political news.

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