Flyover from MPR News

Flyover 2020: Rural America’s brain gain

Ben Winchester, rural sociologist and research fellow with the U Extension
Ben Winchester, a rural sociologist and research fellow with the University of Minnesota Extension, offered data-driven insights into the community at a conversation at the Blandin Foundation in Grand Rapids, Minn.
John Connelly for MPR News 2018
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MPR News

It’s a surprise to many: Rural America is more politically diverse, more educated and more economically optimistic than stereotypes lead us to believe.

Maybe most encouraging to the Upper Midwest: Many small towns are reversing the so-called brain drain and showing a brain gain. Young people who left their hometowns to go to college are increasingly likely to move back in their 30s and 40s, bringing with them college degrees, new businesses and families.

Today we look at the changing demographics and misunderstood labels of rural America. It’s the next installment in our Flyover 2020 series, which examines the issues that matter to the Upper Midwest and the 50 or so flipped counties in our region.


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