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Ask a Bookseller: ‘The Three Little Tardigrades: A Slightly Scientific Fairy Tale’

Ask a Bookseller Podcast
Ask a Bookseller

Just when you thought you’d seen all the possible variations on the classic story of the Three Little Pigs, a new one appears that goes farther than any pig has gone before.

‘The Three Little Tardigrades: A Slightly Scientific Fairy Tale’
‘The Three Little Tardigrades: A Slightly Scientific Fairy Tale’
Godwin Books

Gone are the houses of hay, sticks and straw. These are tardigrades, microscopic invertebrates also known as water bears or moss pigs, and they can live pretty much anywhere.

Gavin, Colin and Doug leave their cozy drop of water and their mother (delightfully illustrated with pink hair) behind to seek their fortune, choosing to live in a volcano, the Arctic, and outer space. The Big Hairy Wolf Spider is determined to track them down, but can it survive in those climates?

Revati Kilaparti of Old Firehouse Books in Fort Collins, Colo., said “The Three Little Tardigrades: A Slightly Scientific Fairy Tale” is a delight to read, with cute, colorful pictures and more information at the end that gives you a chance to learn about these versatile creatures.