Marijuana in Minnesota

Recreational use of cannabis for adults 21 and older is now legal in Minnesota.

White House expects Justice crackdown on legalized marijuana
The Trump administration gave its strongest indication to date of a looming federal crackdown on recreational marijuana, even as a solid majority of Americans believe it should be legal.
Concern rises over unregulated pesticide use among marijuana growers
Regulators in the 23 states where medical or recreational marijuana is allowed are having a tough time making sure pot buyers don't ingest harmful pesticides.
5 things to know about driving stoned
The legalization of recreational marijuana in two states and medical marijuana others has raised concern that there will be more drivers stoned behind the wheel.
Aspen Ideas Festival: Hickenlooper and Couric with 'The Dope on Pot'
Katie Couric interviews Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper at the 2014 Aspen Ideas Festival about marijuana laws, in a session titled, "The Dope on Pot." Governor Hickenlooper opposed the constitutional amendment, approved by 55% of Colorado voters, which legalized recreational marijuana. He answers questions from Couric and the Aspen Ideas Festival audience about medical and recreational marijuana laws. Hickenlooper says there is a lot more that we don't know than we know, and called marijuana legalization "one of the great social experiments of this century."
What the 2014 Legislature did for you
Last year: tax increases to fix a broken budget. This year: tax breaks from a budget surplus. Last year: A new gay marriage law grabbed tons of attention. This year: medical marijuana
Americans split on legal pot, oppose online bets, poll finds
Young people also are far more supportive of legalization, with 65 percent of the millennial generation and over half of Gen Xers (56 percent) in favor, compared with fewer than half (48 percent) of baby boomers and around a third (36 percent) of the World War II generation.