
In a special annual program hosted by Minnesota Public Radio's John Birge, Giving Thanks combines traditional fare with unexpected delights. This year, the program features Wendy Wasserstein, Donald Hall, and highlights from the Broadway production of Thornton Wilder's Our Town.
More questions and answers about holiday cooking with Lynne Rossetto Kasper.
Worried about roasting the turkey? Perplexed by pumpkin pie? A Midmorning Thanksgiving tradition returns: Lynne Rossetto Kasper answers your holiday cooking questions.
Thursday is Turkey Day, a day for feasting on fowl. But what about people who don't eat turkey?
Homemade pumpkin pies will be on lots of Thanksgiving day tables for dessert. And whether they know it or not, the pie eaters in our region have Minnesota's Marian Biersdorf to thank for blazing a culinary trail. Thirty years ago Biersdorf used her college training and the memory of her mother's recipe to create what many of us know as the traditional pumpkin pie.
For some, chocolate fuels a food obsession. A renowned dessert maker and author talks about her own fascination with the quintessential sweet.
The mysteries of cooking explained by the founder and editor of "Cooks Illustrated" magazine.
Plant care moves indoors as outdoor yard chores wind down. How to get your houseplants in shape and other advice from Midmorning's Garden Guru.
On Thursdays they're out there, somewhere in the city of Duluth. The Cigar Club from the University of Minnesota, Duluth meets once a week. The club members can't smoke inside on campus, so they take their meetings on the road. Each week, they choose a different outdoor spot to light up and just hang around. The club is an official student organization, but the rules are few, and the meetings are mellow.