Winona dedicates 9/11 memorial

Gov. Tim Pawlenty will be in Winona this morning to help that city dedicate a new monument remembering the terrorist attacks of 2001.

The massive granite memorial, 9 feet by 11 feet, will be dedicated in a ceremony remembering the more than 3,000 people that died this day seven years ago.

It is in part the work of Larry Lyman, an Air Force veteran and air traffic controller who helped found Heroes Among Us in Winona.

Lyman said the group honors not just those who rushed to help in the attacks in 2001, but those who serve every day, in cities and towns across America.

"A year ago, we had a huge flood here, and the response to that flood convinced me ever more that this is the right place for this monument. Because it's not only a dedication and a memorial to 9/11 but its also an honoring of that sense of community," Lyman said.

The dedication will be in Winona's Lake Park. The Heroes Among Us organization has spent six years raising money and planning for the memorial.