Vikings hope stadium deal can be reached soon

The Minnesota Vikings officials say they're increasingly hopeful that they can work out a stadium deal with lawmakers this session.

Team Vice President Lester Bagley said the team is trying to put together a patchwork of revenue sources. That could include memorabilia taxes, a special lottery game and a hospitality tax.

"We need about $40 million a year over 30 years to pay for a facility, and we're trying to put together the package that makes the most sense for Minnesota," Bagley said.

The State Legislature is wrestling with a nearly $1 billion budget deficit, and public opinion polls have been running strongly against public funding for another sports stadium.

Bagley said the state's massive budget deficit is a hurdle, but noted that low interest rates, construction costs and the opportunity to create jobs are good incentives to push the project forward.

"So there is a reason, and this is the time to move it forward," Bagley said.

The Vikings lease on the Metrodome runs out at the end of the 2011 season. Gov. Tim Pawlenty has said it's unlikely he'll propose a plan for a new Vikings stadium, and DFL leaders have said it's not a pressing issue.