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GOP rallying around Emmer

Republicans, including Gov. Pawlenty, GOP Reps. Michele Bachmann and Erik Paulsen, are rallying around Tom Emmer, the party's newly endorsed candidate for governor. The Republican Party held a unity breakfast this morning to show that they're 100% behind Emmer, who will likely be the candidate on the ballot this November. Emmer, who defeated fellow legislator Marty Seifert to win the endorsement, rejected DFL criticism that he's too conservative to win in Minnesota.

"Eight out of ten of the people out on the street agree with out beliefs when it comes to smaller government," Emmer said. "When it comes to people back in charge of their opportunities, giving them their own opportunity to be the best that they can possibly be without government determining what that it is. Those are our values not the other side. We are mainstream Minnesota."

DFL Party Chair Brian Melendez said Republicans are far from unified since former Republican staffer Tom Horner is running for governor as a member of the Independence Party.

Democrats endorsed Minnesota House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher for governor but she's facing a primary challenge from former Senator Mark Dayton and former legislator Matt Entenza.