Group to return same-sex marriage DVDs to archdiocese

DVD donation
An unidentified man drops off a "Preserving Marriage" DVD outside the Basilica of St. Mary in Minneapolis on Sunday, Oct. 3, 2010. The DVDs were collected as part of an art project by Lucinda Naylor objecting to Archbishop Neinstedt's message against same-sex marriage.
MPR Photo/Sasha Aslanian

A church campaign that sent hundreds of thousands of DVDs to Catholic homes in Minnesota to support a ban on same-sex marriage will get some of them back Friday.

"The reaction, I think, speaks loudly," said Bob Radecki, a parishioner at Risen Savior Catholic Church in Burnsville. "I hope that the rest of the world sees not all Catholics think the same way that the DVD represents."

Radecki said his group, Return the DVD, will deliver about 3,000 DVDs to the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis on Friday. He said they objected to the church's position, and the mailing close to a key state election. He said the effort also asked for charity to help the poor and raised about $10,000.

The archdiocese sent out 400,000 of the discs in October, along with a letter from Archbishop John Nienstedt. The project was paid for by a million-dollar anonymous donation.

Nienstedt urged parishoners to oppose any efforts to sanction same-sex marriage in Minnesota.

Lucinda Naylor, who created liturgical art for the Basilica of St. Mary in Minneapolis, collected other DVDs and turned them into a sculpture. She also plans to return some of the DVDs to the Archdiocese Friday.

Organizers say they asked for, but didn't get, a meeting with the archbishop about the return of the DVDs.