State of the Arts Blog

MN Poetry: Brad Liening’s “The President…”

Brad Liening is a graduate of the University of Michigan and the University of Iowa Writers' Workshop. He's the author of four chapbooks, including We Are Doomed: Dispatches from the City of the Future; Oblivion, More; and Are You There God? It's Me, Whitney Houston. Here's his poem "The President of the World Feels Lonely" from his latest collection, Ghosts and Doppelgängers.

The President of the World Feels Lonely

The President of the World

sits by himself in his office.

He looks at his phone.

It's been a hard day.

He looks at the drapes,

which are very heavy

and thick and probably

cost a whole lot of money.

He gets up, goes outside,

digs a hole in the rose garden

and crawls in, where he waits

for someone to find him.

In the hole, his sadness grows

like a black sail in the wind.

- "The President of the World Feels Lonely" by Brad Liening, as it appears in Ghosts and Doppelgängers, published by Lowbrow Press. Reprinted here with permission from the publisher.