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Bachmann rips GOP competitors in telephone call with supporters

Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann underscored her conservative credentials in a telephone conference call with supporters on Tuesday evening. In the call that lasted more than an hour, Bachmann also sharply criticized some of her fellow GOP presidential nomination contenders.

"I am the one, true core-conservative in this race. We have a lot of great pretenders out there, a lot of frugal socialists that want to be president, not me. I am the true core-conservative who's been the consistent fighter," said Bachmann.

Bachmann said she was not interested in "trashing the candidates," but instead wanted to "bring clarity."

"There's a big difference," said Bachmann. "We're really down to just a few candidates that are viable and today Newt Gingrich is number one in the polls and Mitt Romney is also up in the polls and Ron Paul also has a following. Here's what you need to know: Both Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich are the consummate insiders in this race."

Bachmann criticized Gingrich for money he's accepted for "influence peddling." She called Romney and Gingrich the "father and grandfather of ObamaCare," and she criticized both for past positions on global warming, legalized abortion and same-sex marriage.

Throughout the call, Bachmann urged supporters to donate time and money to her effort to win the Iowa caucuses which will take place on January 3.

"These next few weeks are crucial. We will decide if we have a great pretender for our nominee, somebody who's going to be no different at all from the past politicians in Washington, people taking $100 million dollars or more because they're for sale for the highest bidder, or will it be somebody who actually agrees with you and you can have that chance. You can tell your children and your grandchildren that, when it was time to step up, you stepped up," Bachmann said appealing for supporters to give their "very best donation" to her campaign.

Bachmann cited recent endorsements and poll improvements as evidence her campaign "is surging."