Vikings stadium opponents take last stand

Opponents to a new Vikings stadium are making a final push today to try and stop the plan for the team's $1 billion NFL venue to replace the Metrodome.

Taxpayer's League of Minnesota President Phil Krinkie said the group took a survey among those who voted in four city council wards in 2009. He said the majority of them don't like the stadium deal. Minneapolis has pledged $150 million up front and $7.5 million a year for the new stadium.

Krinkie said the city shouldn't be subsidizing Vikings owner Zygi Wilf, who made news recently when he bought a $19 million condominium in New York City.

"It seems to me that the priority of the Minneapolis City Council people should be helping fund and take care of the citizens of Minneapolis," he said.

The Taxpayer's League is also handing out anti-stadium brochures in some neighborhoods.

The Minneapolis-based Welfare Rights Committee also is planning a demonstration Wednesday at City Hall, as well. The group says the city has higher priorities than professional football. They're also opposed to the city borrowing the money to initially pay its share — the state is picking up the city's tab until the bonds on the Minneapolis Convention Center are paid.

The Minneapolis City Council has scheduled two votes, one Thursday and one Friday, that could grant final approval to the stadium deal.