Shattuck-St. Mary's abuse suspect in court

The former teacher accused of sexually abusing students at Faribault prep school Shattuck-St. Mary's was in court in California Thursday.

Lynn Seibel, 70, made a procedural appearance in Los Angeles. He was charged with child pornography possession after police searched his Los Angeles home in August.

That search came as authorities from Minnesota were investigating accusations made against Seibel by a former student, allegeing that Seibel sexually abused him a decade ago while they were both at Shattuck-St. Mary's.

Seibel is being held in Los Angeles on $100,000 bail on that charge, and is also awaiting extradition to Faribault. He faces 15 counts of sexual misconduct, and two child pornography related counts, in Rice County District Court.

Police in Faribault said Thursday that they continue to interview potential victims of Seibel, who left the school under a cloud in 2003 when officials found pornography on his computer.

Police have faulted the school for not reporting that incident and for letting him resign.

Seibel is scheduled to be back in court in Los Angeles on Nov. 26.