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Rosen pondering a run for higher office

State Sen. Julie Rosen, R-Fairmont, isn't taking a run for higher office off the table. Rosen was asked whether she's running for governor in 2014 during an appearance on the MPR News Daily Circuit program today. Here's what Rosen said:

"I'm talking to some very important people and looking at the direction of the Republican Party and seeing what we can do to help this party.

Obviously we're on life support in many areas, and I think I can come to the table and really do some good things for this state because in the end it is what's best for the state.

Women are interesting. They don't jump in unless they know they can do better and they're asked. I am being asked, and I do believe I can do better.

Does that say I'm going to run? Absolutely not. It's something I'm looking into."

Rosen, who is best known for authoring the Vikings stadium bill last session, says one of the things she's considering is how the rigors of a run for statewide office will affect her family.

There are several other Republicans considering a run for governor. They include Hennepin County Commissioner Jeff Johnson and former Minnesota House Speaker Kurt Zellers. No one has filed a campaign committee yet.

Gov. Dayton has said he intends to run for re-election.