Today's Question Blog

Should fast-food workers be paid more?

"The Rock N Roll McDonald's is a flagship McDonald's restaurant located in Chicago, Illinois." Photo by John Williams via Flickr

Fast-food workers in Milwaukee are planning to strike today to protest low wages. The median wage for a fast food worker is $9.05 an hour, protesters in New York, Detroit, St. Louis, Kansas City and other cities are calling for $15 an hour.

"Restaurant industry officials say the strikers’ demand for $15 an hour is ludicrous because it amounts to more than twice the federal minimum wage," writes Steven Greenhouse in the New York Times. "Industry officials say a $15 wage might drive many restaurants out of business and cause restaurant owners to hire fewer workers and replace some with automation — perhaps by using more computerized gadgets where customers punch in the orders themselves."

Today's Question: Should fast-food workers be paid more?