Today's Question Blog

Does Minnesota need a stronger anti-bullying law?

"When the Minnesota Legislature convenes next month, lawmakers are expected to take up a bill designed to strengthen the state's anti-bullying law, often described as one of the weakest in the nation," writes MPR News reporter Tim Post.

Anti-bullying task force
Rochester students speak to members of the Governor's Task Force on the Prevention of School Bullying in 2012. (Alex Koyler / For MPR News)

The House passed just such a measure late in the last session, but the Senate did not schedule a vote before adjourning.

That surprised many who thought the state was going to get a new and tougher anti-bullying bill on the books. After all, Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton supported the DFL-sponsored bill and his party led both the House and the Senate.

This year, supporters say they'll work harder so that it lands on the governor's desk.

The bill would replace the state's current anti-bullying law - just 37 words long - which requires school districts have a bullying policy in place, but doesn't offer guidance on what it should entail. The proposed law would require schools to better investigate all cases of bullying and train teachers to spot and prevent bullying.

Today's Question: Does Minnesota need a stronger anti-bullying law?