New license plates available to women veterans

New license plate for woman veterans
Phiengtavanh Savatdy, of Maplewood, is a Minnesota National Guard veteran. She got the state's first Woman Veteran license plate in a drawing at the Department of Public Safety in St. Paul today.
Tim Nelson / MPR News

Updated: 12:52 p.m. | Posted: 5:53 a.m.

Women veterans can now purchase license plates in Minnesota honoring their service.

New Minnesota veteran's license plate
A new Minnesota license plate highlights the service and role of female veterans.
Courtesy of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety

The newly designed Women Veterans' License Plate bears the inscription "Woman Veteran." They are the first veterans plates in Minnesota that specifically refer to women who have served in the military.

The bill's author, state Sen. Alice Johnson, says the license plate is "a small way Minnesota can recognize, thank and honor" female veterans.

State public safety officials handed out the first 10 women veteran plates in St. Paul Friday. They're the latest in more than two dozen different kinds of Minnesota plates created to honor military service.

"It's been a long but fun process," said Diane Keith, a Waconia resident and Vietnam-era Air Force veteran who helped pushed for the state to create the new license plates. "I've also been part of the design team. It's a privelege and I feel honored that we're being recognized, but also feel its been long overdue. So, it's a very exciting day and happy to make history today."

Any woman wanting a plate should bring her discharge papers to the DMV and request a Women Veterans plate. Motorcycle and disabled plates also are available.

State officials say more than 30,000 veterans have special plates in Minnesota. Estimated costs for the application and fees are $20.00.