
Appetites: What's new with CSAs?

Basket of fresh vegetables
This basket of produce, including hakurei turnips, radishes, baby bok choy, beets and red butter lettuce, is representative of the kinds of vegetables that will be packed in the first CSA shares from Loon Organics, Saturday, May 30, 2015, in Minneapolis.
Jennifer Simonson | MPR News

Minnesota may be known as the state of hockey — but it could also be called the state of community supported agriculture. Believe it or not, Minnesota has more CSA farms than any other state.

Cookbook author Beth Dooley talked with MPR News' Kryssy Pease about what's new with CSAs.

These days, CSAs aren't just about vegetables.

Common Ground Garden, which offers full and half vegetable shares, also has a partnership with other local farmers for meat, eggs and bread.
Nelson-Shine Produce offers an 18-week share that includes meat and eggs that are from other locations.
True Cost Farm offers monthly meat and egg deliveries to two dozen locations in Minneapolis, from a farm in Montrose, Minn.
Seeds Farm has customizable shares — pick what you want each week. Customers can either pick up at the farm or at certain locations. Customers can also can select eggs, meat and flowers.
Uproot Farm delivers to several Twin Cities locations and includes vegetables, chicken, meat and eggs. Weekly or bimonthly shares are available.

In the next couple of weeks, CSA members should expect to see tons of fabulous greens and salad fixings in their shares. Vinaigrettes make delicious salad dressings, but also try them as marinades and grilling sauces.

Looking for a CSA? Dooley says many still have shares available. Look for the following when deciding on a CSA:

• Where the farm drops off and how often.
• Size of the share. Some options include a full bushel (full share), half bushel (half share) or quarter bushel (micro share).
• Scope of share. Some include meat, cheese, eggs, preserves, honey, etc.
• Work shares. Some CSA farms will trade produce for hours in the field.

Fresh vegetables from Loon Organics
Fresh vegetables available from Loon Organics Saturday, May 30, 2015, at the Mill City Farmers Market in Minneapolis. Loon Organics sells CSA shares and will start delivering boxes to subscribers in mid-June.
Jennifer Simonson | MPR News

Recipe: Classic rosemary balsamic vinaigrette

Makes 1 cup

• 1/3 cup balsamic vinegar
• 2 tablespoons rosemary
• 1 teaspoon honey
• 1 cup extra virgin olive oil
• Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Whisk together the vinegar, rosemary and honey. Then whisk in the olive oil in a slow, steady stream. Season with salt and pepper.