City Council supports soccer stadium in St. Paul

MLS executive Mark Abbott
Mark Abbott, a Twin Cities native and president of Major League Soccer, met with St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman earlier this month about the prospect of a new stadium.
Laura Yuen | MPR News

The St. Paul City Council unanimously passed a resolution Wednesday supporting a potential Major League Soccer stadium on a 10-acre site in the Midway neighborhood.

"This doesn't guarantee anything; there's no deal here," said Council Member Chris Tolbert, who sponsored the resolution. He said the resolution was meant to communicate to the league that the site would be "a great location."

The resolution's wish list includes a stadium that can accommodate public events; planning for infrastructure upgrades, and assurances that the development would spur investment in the adjoining 25-acre Midway Shopping Center site.

"I thought it was important ... that we lay out some more of our collective thinking about what a deal would have to include for us to be supportive of it," said Council Member Russ Stark. He said some of his constituents worry that the proposal is moving forward too quickly.

St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman, who has been pushing the potential stadium, praised the council's vote.