Art Hounds: A theater double bill, gallery art and live hounds

Ananya Dance Theatre
Ananya Dance Theatre is one of eight acts performing in "Art Hounds Live" at the Fitzgerald Theater on May 20.
Jennifer Simonson | MPR News 2012 file

This week on Art Hounds: Exposed Brick Theatre, an art show in Red Wing and Art Hounds Live.

Actor and performance artist Katie Herron Robb is thrilled to be going to Exposed Brick Theatre's double bill of two original performances. The first, "Venus Nefanda," is inspired by an 1810 court case in Scotland, and explores racism, colonialism and homophobia. The second piece, titled "In Between," asks what it means to be a multiracial nomad in the 21st century. Performances run Friday through Sunday at Dreamland Arts in St. Paul.

Chris Burawa, executive director of the Anderson Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, recently visited the art gallery at the Red Wing Train Depot. Burawa was impressed by the exhibit featuring bold abstract works by both Steven Sorman and John Wells. Burawa particularly enjoyed the contrast between Sorman's bold colors and Wells' minimalist white tones. The show runs through June 20.

Art Hounds Producer Marianne Combs hopes that fans of this segment will join her at the Fitzgerald Theater on Friday for "Art Hounds Live," a showcase featuring artists who have been featured on Art Hounds in past years. The evening features theater, dance, film and several musical acts, including Reina Del Cid and Gaelynn Lea.