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Trump visit met with protests, politics

Anti- Donald Trump protest in Minneapolis
Trump supporters, including Mary Susan of Chanhassen, MN in the cape, arrive, amidst several hundred anti-Trump protesters, at the Minneapolis Convention Center for an appearance by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump at a fundraiser on August 19, 2016. Photo by Angela Jimenez for Minnesota Public Radio

Donald Trump's first campaign visit to Minnesota drew dozens of protesters and several supporters willing to pay up to $10,000 for the chance to hear the Republican presidential candidate speak at the Minneapolis Convention Center.

Although the event Friday night was closed to the media and those who didn't contribute to his campaign, a social media feed captured Trump saying he has "so many friends" in Minnesota and promising to return "a lot."

About three hours before the candidate’s arrival, about 100 anti-Trump protesters gathered near Minneapolis Convention Center entrances.  After Trump began speaking inside, some tried to get through the gated doors, which were guarded by Minneapolis police officers.

Anti- Donald Trump protest in Minneapolis
Anti-Trump protester Patrick Snyder of Minneapolis, right, holds a sign outside the Minneapolis Convention Center during an appearance by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump at a fundraiser on August 19, 2016. Photo by Angela Jimenez for Minnesota Public Radio

Trump's campaign did not disclose how many people attended the fundraiser or how much money it brought in.

Before the event, former Minnesota Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann said she has been advising Trump on foreign policy and issues of concern to Christian conservatives. She said Trump is right to call for more restrictive immigration policies.

"He also recognizes there is a threat around the world, not just here in Minnesota, of radical Islam," she said. "I wish our President Obama also understood the threat of radical Islam and took it seriously."

Anti- Donald Trump protest in Minneapolis
Republican politician Michele Bachmann speaks to the press, amidst Anti-Trump protesters, as she arrives at the Minneapolis Convention Center for an appearance by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump at a fundraiser on August 19, 2016 Photo by Angela Jimenez for Minnesota Public Radio

Bachmann serves on an advisory board on faith and culture for Trump. There was significance to his visit beyond fundraising, she said.

“I think the fact he is here is Minnesota says that he's intending to play in Minnesota. He's intending to play in all 50 states, and I think that's good that he's doing that," said Bachmann.

Some state Republicans opted not to attend the fundraiser, including House Speaker Kurt Daudt, R-Zimmerman, Senate Minority Leader David Hann, R-Eden Prairie, and Congressman Erik Paulsen.

Trump did not hold a public rally during his brief visit.

As Trump’s motorcade left the convention center, protesters swarmed his car, shouting “Hey, hey, ho, ho. Donald Trump has got to go.” Several police officers, some holding their bikes in front of them, ordered the protesters back to let the SUV leave.

Before Trump's arrival Democratic Congressman Keith Ellison and DFL Gov. Mark Dayton held a news conference at an immigrant-owned business in Minneapolis to criticize Trump for his tax proposals which they said would benefit the wealthy at the expense of small business owners and for not releasing his own income tax returns.