Capitol View®

A note from MPR News

From Nancy Cassutt, executive director of news and programming:

MPR News host Tom Weber recently informed newsroom leadership that he is in a personal relationship with a candidate for statewide office, state Rep. Peggy Flanagan, the running mate of DFL gubernatorial candidate Tim Walz. Tom’s relationship with Rep. Flanagan creates a conflict with his position as host of the 11 a.m. hour of MPR News.

We are committed to the highest ethical standards to always maintain the trust of our audiences.

Because of this conflict and following a review of our news ethics guidelines, Tom is being reassigned to another position within the newsroom and will not cover the governor’s race, the Legislature, potential legislation, public policy involving the executive or legislative branches or any topic related to the November 2018 election.

Starting Jan. 22, interim hosts will step in during the 11 a.m. hour.