Rochester exhibit explores the art in science

The new genome exhibit at the Rochester Art Center
Part of the new "Genome, Unlocking Life's Code" exhibit at the Rochester Art Center includes portraits of children with rare genetic diseases.
Catharine Richert | MPR News

A new exhibit that blends science and art opens this weekend at the Rochester Art Center.

"Genome: Unlocking Life's Code" was developed by the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History and is sponsored by the Mayo Clinic Center for Individualized Medicine.

Kelliann Fee-Schroeder, the center's education coordinator, said she saw the exhibit five years ago in Washington, D.C., and thought bringing it to Rochester would be a "great way" to help understand the center's work.

The exhibit also features work by local artists. That includes Rochester artist Eric Anderson, who has two pieces in the show.

One of them is called "Myriphon," which assigns sounds and visuals to a set of individual genetic traits, like attached or unattached earlobes.

Intimate Gravity by Shah Noor Shafqat
"Intimate Gravity" is by Rochester artist Shah Noor Shafqat. As a mother, the piece explores Noor Shafqat's frustration with and interest in her daughter's eczema.
Catharine Richert | MPR News

Visitors can customize their interaction with the piece, adding beat, harmony and tone, said curator Sheila Dickinson.

The exhibit has been highlighted as a key part of the Rochester Art Center's strategy to improve its finances.

Fee-Schroeder said the exhibit is expected to draw thousands of visitors before it closes on Sept. 21.