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DFL suspends staffer for ‘unacceptable’ social media post

A Minnesota DFL staffer has been suspended from his job after suggesting in a social media post that Republicans face beheading after the Nov. 6 election.

In response to a Facebook post that listed Nov. 6 as the day to “take back your country," DFL deputy communications director William Davis wrote “11.7-bring them to the guillotines.” The response has since been deleted.

DFL party spokesperson Charlene Briner said Monday that Davis was suspended for a week without pay.

In an earlier statement, DFL executive director Corey Day said the comment was an inside joke among former co-workers. Day apologized and said Davis’ remark was “unacceptable."

“It is completely inconsistent with the standards we hold our employees to,” Day said. “I have spoken with Will and about our social media standards and our expectation that he use appropriate judgement when commenting and posting. He regrets the post and has deleted it."

Republicans seized on the comment, which they described as adding to an already volatile political climate.

RNC spokesperson Preya Samsundar said the remarks were appalling.

“In a time where Republicans are being targeted for their stance on the issues, the comments made by the Minnesota DFL’s deputy communications director seemingly perpetuate the belief that violence against one’s opponent – especially if they are conservative – is acceptable.” Samsundar said.

A consultant for the Doug Wardlow for attorney general campaign, Kory Wood, said the remarks were hateful and have no place in politics.

“This is a new low,” Wood said.